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Muay Thai Boxing
Siam Rehab Thailand

Siam Rehab is probably the only rehab facility in the world with a regulation Muay Thai boxing ring onsite. 

Muay Thai Boxing

Muay Thai Boxing is the national sport and cultural martial art of Thailand. The word “Muay” means “combat” and is derived from the Sanskrit word “Muay” which literally means “unite together”. The word “Thai” is an adjective of the Thai nation with its meaning being “free people”. Therefore, when combined and simplified, the word Muay Thai can be translated to “Thai boxing / combat”.

Muay Thai was developed several hundreds years ago as a form of close-combat that utilizes the entire body as a weapon. It also known as “the art of 8 limbs” as fighter use 8 weapons when sparring against their opponents: 2 feet, 2 knees, 2 elbows and 2 fists. Over the past 100 years Muay Thai has significantly progressed into the disciplined sport it is today.

Muay Thai Boxing at Siam Rehab

At Siam Rehab, Muay Thai boxing is lead by Keith Lim who is highly skilled and experienced in the art of Muay Thai. As a newcomer to the art, Keith will make you feel welcome and ease you into each training session. He will start off by teaching you some basic techniques on the bags and, as your confidence begins to grow, Keith will encourage and push you into other aspects of this disciplined sport such as sparring, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and various other body resistance exercises.

When coming into treatment, the body is filled with all kinds of toxins which it will need to get rid of. Given that approximately 1000 calories are burned within every one hour of Muay Thai boxing session, it definitely is regarded as being a perfect workout to remove those unwanted chemicals from the body. It is also a really fun way to burn fat, lose weight and build core and flexibility strength.

Siam Rehab is the only rehab in all of Thailand that boasts its own incredible Muay Thai boxing ring. When practicing the art of Muay Thai, in our Muay Thai boxing ring, under the trained eye of Keith, you will truly leave every session with a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction.